Grappling with the Gray
Grappling with the Gray
GWTG Archive Episode #18: The Right to Entitlement?
Is it right to take what you're allowed to take even if you're not really entitled to it? That's the question before the ethics panel on this archive episode.
Here's the challenge:
You've just finished your medical residency. You've been hired by a respected hospital that wants you to start immediately. However, because of state regulations and bureaucratic red tape, your accreditation to practice medicine will be delayed and you won't be able to start working for two months.
You are eligible for unemployment. However, your parents paid for medical school so you have no student debt, and your spouse has a good-paying job so you face no financial pressure.
Do you file for unemployment?
Meet the panelists:
Jennifer Elder
Catherine Fitzgerald
Dr. Robyn Odegaard