Grappling with the Gray
Are you ethical? Only by investigating all sides and contemplating every angle can we improve ethical decision-making, build more trusting relationships, and help create a more ethical world. Join our panel of leaders and thinkers as we grapple with a new ethical challenge each week.
126 episodes
Grappling with the Gray #116: What's in your wallet?
Is justice served if you talk your way out of court?That's the question that drives the conversation when Christopher Bauer, PhD, CSP, CFS,
Episode 116

Grappling with the Gray #115: Under the radar?
Are we engineering our way toward disaster?That's the question that drives the conversation when Catherine Fitzgerald,
Episode 115

Grappling with the Gray #114: Too hot to handle?
When we know what the problem is and we know how to fix it, why isn't it getting fixed?That's the question that drives the conversation when Sam Ardery,
Episode 114

Grappling with the Gray #113: Who controls the present controls the past?
It’s been said that history is written by the winners.Today, however, history is more likely to be written by ideologues.This is the issue that drives the discussion when 🟦 Jeff Ikler...

Grappling with the Gray #112: Social media round-up?
Is the long arm of the law too long or not long enough?That's the question that drives the conversation when the ethics panel convenes with Krista Crawford, Ph.D., MBA, SPHR, ...
Episode 112

Grappling with the Gray #111: Hand over your credentials?
Have the critics of Cancel Culture turned on their own?That's the question that drives the conversation when Deb Coviello The Drop In CEO™,
Episode 111

Grappling with the Gray #110: Institutionalizing lip service?
Is having the right words enough, or could it be part of the problem?That's the question that drives the conversation when Sarah Kalmeta,
Episode 110

Grappling with the Gray #109: Committing to which ethic?
When both sides are wrong, who's right?That's the question that drives the conversation when Amii Barnard-Bahn, JD, PCC, CCEP,
Episode 109

Grappling with the Gray #108: All together now?
It seemed like a good idea at the time. But why?That's the question that drives the conversation when Catherine Fitzgerald, Steven Smith, and K Kimi Hirotsu Ziemski join the ethics panel to Grapple with the Gray.

Grappling with the Gray #107: Tortured reasoning?
Do two wrongs make a right? How about one-and-a-half wrongs?That's the question that drives the conversation when Mark Herschberg, Sven Lauch, and Stewart Wiggins join the ethics panel to Grapple with the Gray.Here is our topic:...
Episode 107

Grappling with the Gray #106: In the jungle, the mighty jungle?
What price do we pay for convenience?That's the question that drives the conversation when Christopher Bauer, PhD, CSP, CFS, Jen...
Episode 106

Grappling with the Gray #105: Ground Control to Major Tom?
Is it still funny when the joke's on you?That's the question that drives the conversation when John E. McGlothlin, 🟦 Mark O'Brien
Episode 105

Grappling with the Gray #104: Back to the bronze age?
What happens when technical performance clashes with technical problems?That's the question that drives the conversation when Sam Ardery,
Episode 104

Grappling with the Gray #103: Trust taken too far?
Is it ever beneficial to intentionally send the wrong message?That's the question that drives the conversation when Richard Bistrong,
Episode 103

Grappling with the Gray #102: The beam in your I?
How responsible am I for other people's irresponsible behavior?That's the question that drives the conversation when Jeff Koziatek,
Episode 102

Grappling with the Gray #101: Stalking the perfect employee?
When does character assessment become invasion of privacy?That's the question that drives the conversation when Deb Coviello The Drop In CEO™,
Episode 101

Grappling with the Gray #100: Opting out of the Ten Commandments?
Thank you for your support in reaching episode 100 of Grappling with the Gray!Celebrate with me as three of my stalwart recurring guests -- Kimberly Davis,
Episode 100

Grappling with the Gray #99: The rules of lawlessness?
Can compliance demands undermine a healthy and ethical culture?That's the question driving the conversation when 🟦 Carolyn Lebanowski,
Episode 99

GWTG Archive Episode #23: Secret identity?
When you do the wrong thing for the right reason, it is still the wrong thing?Is it possible to apply the principle of fairness so even-handedly that it leads to unfair outcomes?Since mercy is the suspension of justice, how do w...

GWTG Archive Episode #49: Two-timing the boss?
If you get your work done in half the time, is the other half of your time really yours?That's the question that drives the discussion when Mark Brown, Deb Coviello, and Dr. Robyn Odegaard join the ethics panel for this archive episode ...

Grappling with the Gray #98: Watching me watching you?
Should there be a presumption of privacy in public always, never, or sometimes?That's the question driving the discussion when Mark Brown, CSP, Mark O'Brien, and
Episode 98

Grappling with the Gray #97: Flying too high?
How do we weigh quantifiable costs against intangible benefits? That's the question that drives the conversation when Catherine Fitzgerald,
Episode 97

Grappling with the Gray #96: Paycheck to paycheck?
Are the rich getting too much richer, and is there a limit to how much the poor will take?That's the question that will drive the conversation when Mark O'Br...
Episode 96

Grappling with the Gray #95: Out with the old, in with the new?
Are we neglecting old relationships in hope of profiting from new ones?That's the question that drives the discussion when Jennifer H. Elder, CSP, CPA, Jim Ristuccia, and Jon Strickler join the ethics panel to Grapple with the Gray....
Episode 95

Grappling with the Gray #94: Have my cake and eat it, too?
At what cost can we expect others to take responsibility for our own well being?That's the question that the ethics panel takes up when Giovanni Gallo, Nick Gallo, and Diane Helbig join me to Grapple with the Gray.Here is our to...
Episode 94